Russets and sherwood care home daily life jpg

Life at Russets and Sherwood care home

Getting older doesn’t mean slowing down. Whether you want to get creative, try new things or just be entertained, there’s always something going on at Russets and Sherwood care home.

Our huge range of activities

Pastimes are a great way of meeting people and having fun. At Russets and Sherwood you’ll discover a huge range of activities for you to join in with. Everything from exercise sessions to visiting musicians, cooking classes, and faith-based activities. Most of these activities take place in our versatile Clubhouse, a venue that doubles as everything from a cinema to a coffee house! If all that sounds too exhausting then there’s always our exclusive on-site hair salon where you can go and have some ‘you’ time.

Of course, should there be something you’d like to try then let us know and we’ll try and organise it. Nothing is beyond consideration, even bungee jumping!

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