intergenerational connection during coronavirus

Staying together while staying apart

Staying together while staying apart: Tips for intergenerational connection during the coronavirus

How do we support and connect with people across generations while physically staying apart? Communities across the UK are stepping up to offer support during the coronavirus in safe and creative ways. In National Intergenerational Week (23-29 March) we're gathering some of our favourite on and offline ideas. What would you add to the list?

Remember to always consider the safety of all intergenerational connections and follow the latest government health advice.

Intergenerational connection during coronavirus

"At Ready Generations we are launching a Reasons to Stay Cheerful Campaign to promote creative connections between isolated children and older people. If children, families, older people and care homes wish to be involved please go to our Facebook Page at Ready Generations or Twitter @readygen or by email to request a FREE start up pack of resources."

Sue Egersdorff, Ready Generations

"The Wiser Collective recognises there is a digital skills gap to bridge between the generations and that some of the most isolated individuals won't be able to access all the help and support that is on offer and being shared via social media. During the Coronavirus social distancing period, we are starting conversations about how best to bring the older generation online in a way that works for them and urging everyone to share their tech skills to help an older relative, friend or neighbour connect with their community, access information and even shop online by using some basic tools on a phone or computer."

Sarah Laffey, The Wiser Collective

"The Together Project’s #somethingtocreateasmile asks Songs & Smiles participants and local communities to send videos/photos of children singing a favourite song, pulling the funniest face, or showing something they’re proud of, telling a joke, with their latest masterpiece. All contributions will be sent to care homes/sheltered housing schemes, reminding residents that we’re thinking of them."

Jenny Reed, The Together Project

Take part in National Intergenerational Week, 23-29 March

To find out more about the National Intergenerational Week campaign, who's taking part this year and to download our handy social media resources visit our main campaign page.

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