
Signpost 24 (5 October)

Welcome to the latest issue of Signpost. This week we have a fantastic selection of activities for you from presidential debates, the Bristol bus boycott and Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads.

63 years ago this week, the Windscale nuclear facility (now known as Sellafield) had the worst nuclear accident in Great Britain’s history. 60 years ago this week Spartacus received its world premier, and 16 years ago this week, Afghanistan held its first democratic elections.


  • Pastoral Care Coordinator Lisa Loveridge and residents at The Chocolate Quarter celebrated Harvest with a thanksgiving service last week. You can watch the service here.



  • The United States of America is preparing for its next presidential election on November 3 and last week was the first debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. You can watch the debate here.


  • Alan Bennett’s “Talking Heads" was a huge success in the late 1980s with monologues recorded by a fantastic selection of stars. During lockdown a new range of actors and actresses recorded old and new monologues for a new series of Talking Heads. You can watch the whole series on iPlayer here.


  • As the weather changes we can all find ourselves feeling in need of a cheer up. Jack Canfield provides 7 tips to cheer us up in under 60 seconds. Try it out here.

Please get in touch through our email communityimpact@stmonicatrust.org.uk and let us know how we are doing.

Don't forget that our online services of worship and contributions from the Pastoral Care Team can be found at https://vimeo.com/stmonicatrust.

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