BME Elders Health & Well-being Project
Through our membership of the Bristol Older People’s Funding Alliance, in collaboration with Quartet, The Anchor Society, The Grateful Society, and the John James Bristol Foundation, a joint grant was made to Alive’s BME Elders Health and Well-being Project to support the running costs of three BME elders groups.
The Malcolm X Elders, The Evergreen Club, and the Golden Agers Club support 140 older people from BME communities with vital social support, activities and help accessing services. Alive report that older people from BME communities continue to face a series of additional challenges to equality. Living in underserved communities, combined with language and cultural barriers, leads to increased isolation and a lack of confidence to seek out preventative and early intervention health and social care services.
The members of the elders groups were heavily impacted by Covid. Having to stay at home for prolonged periods severely affected their health and mobility and their emotional and psychological well-being. Attending the groups is a way of addressing social isolation and provides a routine, social contact and activities for health and well-being, as well as emotional and practical support. For some it may be the only time they see other people all week;
This group is a lifeline for me.
Last year Rose was not good, and I look at her now and she is shining, she’s smiling. And that is a testament to us – to us all. We provide company for each other, fellowship. We are in the fellowship of Tudor Road’s Golden Agers!
Before I came to the club, I was ill. I couldn’t go out on my own. Being part of the group supports my health.
This time last year I could hardly get out of the chair, now I can walk out the room and do bits and pieces.
We come together here to prevent loneliness and isolation. We have to be friendly and help one another. We want to prevent depression.
Evergreens means a lot to me. I come every Wednesday. I meet all my friends and make new friends. We have a good time for a couple of hours… so if you don’t see anybody for the rest of the day, you’ve seen someone at Evergreens.
We are delighted to be able to continue supporting this service alongside our BOPFA members in 2024.